Its Easy to Fall to the Darkness

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 · 238 ratings  · 45 reviews
Start your review of Fall of Darkness (The Darkness Chronicles, #1)
What happens when your the one sent to kill the vampire heiress, the one that could destroy all that you know, only to have the shocking feeling your looking at your soul mate?
Your body is not held to the ground by gravity, but a beautiful kind hearted woman. Dominic is about to find out. Dominic is the big strong fearless alpha, a great warrior but is he about to betray his family and his entire race for Kate.
This book is the first from indie author Elle Bright, and what a way to begin!
Fall fro
What happens when your the one sent to kill the vampire heiress, the one that could destroy all that you know, only to have the shocking feeling your looking at your soul mate?
Your body is not held to the ground by gravity, but a beautiful kind hearted woman. Dominic is about to find out. Dominic is the big strong fearless alpha, a great warrior but is he about to betray his family and his entire race for Kate.
This book is the first from indie author Elle Bright, and what a way to begin!
Fall from darkness is a stunning get away fantasy into the werewolf vampire world, interwoven with tension, romance, darkness, heart break and love. Dominic is strong and sexy, Kate the kind hearted E.R nurse, they have such a great intense chemistry together, the story has a deep story line and wonderful in depth characters,with a wicked plot, that keep you reading this fast paced book. This book is pure escapism at its best and i cannot wait for book two!
A great piece of fantasy writing from Elle Bright, highly recommended!
From niccis book blog
I loved this book! It has a little bit of everything- romance, comedy, drama, suspense, and action.The plot is compelling, the heroine is relatable, the hero is delicious, the author's voice is fresh and witty, and the dialogue is natural. The story flowed well and I was sucked in from the start. I can't wait for the next one! I loved this book! It has a little bit of everything- romance, comedy, drama, suspense, and action.The plot is compelling, the heroine is relatable, the hero is delicious, the author's voice is fresh and witty, and the dialogue is natural. The story flowed well and I was sucked in from the start. I can't wait for the next one! ...more
Sláinte Wanderlust
Expected much more. The characters seemed childish, the insta love was ridiculous, the fact her parent accepted the insta love was even more ridiculous, the "love" triangle.. UGH.

A word of advice.

Expected much more. The characters seemed childish, the insta love was ridiculous, the fact her parent accepted the insta love was even more ridiculous, the "love" triangle.. UGH.

A word of advice.

Obsession Is A Book - Terrie
I was provided with an ARC copy of this book by the author for an honest review.
Meet Kate, who has no idea that her mere existence could be the salvation of one race and the down fall of another.
Meet Dominic, who is sent to assassinate Kate in order to save his race from the prophecy that is Kate.
Kate is a vampire and Dominic a werewolf and their families are mortal enemies. Kate is oblivious to this fact.
Killing Kate should be easy for Dominic, after all this is what he is trained for. This i
I was provided with an ARC copy of this book by the author for an honest review.
Meet Kate, who has no idea that her mere existence could be the salvation of one race and the down fall of another.
Meet Dominic, who is sent to assassinate Kate in order to save his race from the prophecy that is Kate.
Kate is a vampire and Dominic a werewolf and their families are mortal enemies. Kate is oblivious to this fact.
Killing Kate should be easy for Dominic, after all this is what he is trained for. This is what he has spent he life doing. However, Dominic was not prepared for the beauty and compassion that Kate oozed.
OK so I didn't know what to expect when I read this book. I read it blind without first seeing the blurb and I was quite impressed with this debut book by Elle Bright.
The book flows really well, which always makes it easier for you to be absorbed into the plot. The characters are well developed and easy to fall in love with. The language used in the book is real, language you use yourself in everyday life that only helps the flow. I love the little one-liners that were thrown in here and there and I found myself smiling at these. The book isn't all comedy though; there is a lot of heartache, betrayal, angst and downright hating going on (ok so that might just be me with the hating).
The plot was intriguing and well developed. As this is the first book in a series the author has done a good job of not only laying the foundations for the following books but giving the reader a satisfying ending to the story that runs through this book while leaving you wanting more.
Looking forward to the next instalment of Kate and Dominics' story.
Jul 07, 2013 rated it it was amazing
....Kate loves chocolate.....I would have agree so do I. Kate & Dominic & Alexander will take you into the depths of their world's.
Someone will win & Someone will lose... The price is high for each ... betrayal ....within each of them...

it's an ..oh so dreamy ..hotter-than-hell-Superhero kind of book..

Where the park hadn't changed a bit,as though frozen in time like a photograph ...kind of book

To the ...TO DO LIST....
PICK THEM # 24 ...#167, #72, # 48, kind of book .

Who is Katerina Cacciatori ? &

....Kate loves chocolate.....I would have agree so do I. Kate & Dominic & Alexander will take you into the depths of their world's.
Someone will win & Someone will lose... The price is high for each ... betrayal ....within each of them...

it's an ..oh so dreamy ..hotter-than-hell-Superhero kind of book..

Where the park hadn't changed a bit,as though frozen in time like a photograph ...kind of book

To the ...TO DO LIST....
PICK THEM # 24 ...#167, #72, # 48, kind of book .

Who is Katerina Cacciatori ? & What does she want with Kate? What is the prophecy ? & Whom is protecting whom ?

From the sweet words the provocative words that terrify her....

You will be in awe of the book & you will love the author, She brings the story of love , of family, a best friend, happenings from the past that set you into the present ....

& well for the future.... We will be waiting to see what happens next !

Jul 11, 2013 rated it it was amazing
This book was a gift from the author Elle Bright
for an honest review. This is her debut novel and it is a wonderfully
written story of love, family, vampires, werewolves, ancient
prophecies, and betrayals. Kate is a nurse who is attacked one night
and Dominic rescues her and they develop a relationship that leads to
love. When Dominic reveals the secret that he knows her true heritage
and Kate is a vampire and he a werewolf Kate leaves him thinking he is
crazy. Later after she finds out he was right,
This book was a gift from the author Elle Bright
for an honest review. This is her debut novel and it is a wonderfully
written story of love, family, vampires, werewolves, ancient
prophecies, and betrayals. Kate is a nurse who is attacked one night
and Dominic rescues her and they develop a relationship that leads to
love. When Dominic reveals the secret that he knows her true heritage
and Kate is a vampire and he a werewolf Kate leaves him thinking he is
crazy. Later after she finds out he was right,she also learns the
truth about her heritage and the prophecy written about her. This
story is well written and the characters come to life on the page. I
couldn't put the book down I read it from front to back in one
sitting. I hope there will be a book two, I would love to hear more
about Kate and Dominic.
Brandy Lynn
Jul 11, 2013 rated it it was amazing
WOW! I was super stoked when I received an ARC of this novel from the author. I LOVE vampires and werewolves so I was super excited to start it. Let me tell you the author did not disappoint! I was so sucked into Dominic and Kate's story and the secret. Oh the secret he is keeping from Kate. Can their love survive? Is it possible for an assassin and the one you're sent to kill to fall for each other. This story had everything I was hoping for…..lust, love, hotness, vamps, humor, and a little sus WOW! I was super stoked when I received an ARC of this novel from the author. I LOVE vampires and werewolves so I was super excited to start it. Let me tell you the author did not disappoint! I was so sucked into Dominic and Kate's story and the secret. Oh the secret he is keeping from Kate. Can their love survive? Is it possible for an assassin and the one you're sent to kill to fall for each other. This story had everything I was hoping for…..lust, love, hotness, vamps, humor, and a little suspense. Kudos to the author on delivering a great story that kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat =) ...more
Emma Shade
Jul 05, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Fall of Darkness. If I could describe this book in one word it would be WOW! The author is amazing with descriptions, character development, and the story line. It was a hard book to put down, and found myself lacking sleep, because I had to know what was going to happen. Dominic and Kate's story captured my heart. This is a must read! I was lucky enough to read an ARC of Fall of Darkness. If I could describe this book in one word it would be WOW! The author is amazing with descriptions, character development, and the story line. It was a hard book to put down, and found myself lacking sleep, because I had to know what was going to happen. Dominic and Kate's story captured my heart. This is a must read! ...more
Rose Cassidy
Jul 09, 2013 rated it it was amazing
A book that truly made me question love and sacrifices. For what truly is love without sacrifices? Theirs was the greatest of all sacrifices beautifully portrayed. Absolutely amazing! The "love of a women," "thoughtless intensity," "branded on his heart." Captivating! "Going against "nature." Forgetting sins, forgiving before, nothing done that would stain their love. Entirely enlightening! A book that truly made me question love and sacrifices. For what truly is love without sacrifices? Theirs was the greatest of all sacrifices beautifully portrayed. Absolutely amazing! The "love of a women," "thoughtless intensity," "branded on his heart." Captivating! "Going against "nature." Forgetting sins, forgiving before, nothing done that would stain their love. Entirely enlightening! ...more
Jul 12, 2013 rated it it was amazing
This book has it all -- romance, the excitement of a paranormal world, betrayal, comedy, sacrifice, well-developed and lovable/relatable characters, and a great story-telling voice. This book is a "Wow"! This author definitely has a bright future. She is one of the best-kept secrets of her genre!

I love to read, but even books I thoroughly enjoy take me a couple of weeks because of my crazy schedule. Not this book! I read this in under four days because I couldn't help but make the time! So, you

This book has it all -- romance, the excitement of a paranormal world, betrayal, comedy, sacrifice, well-developed and lovable/relatable characters, and a great story-telling voice. This book is a "Wow"! This author definitely has a bright future. She is one of the best-kept secrets of her genre!

I love to read, but even books I thoroughly enjoy take me a couple of weeks because of my crazy schedule. Not this book! I read this in under four days because I couldn't help but make the time! So, you have been warned -- this book will own your life until you're done! Even then, good luck getting the characters out of your head!

Sep 24, 2013 rated it liked it
When I read the blurb for this book all I could think of were the Underworld movies so I had to give it a try! (plus it was free, and that's always a plus!)

So let me break it down -
>Werewolves vs Vampires in a centuries old feud.
>Werewolves want to kill prophecy(and vampire) Kate Murdock/Katerina Cacciatoni.
>Que werewolf Dominic Ridolfi - Vampire Assassin.
>Dominic meet Kate. And que forbidden werewolf/vampire love.

...Like I said, It's pretty much the plot to Underworld.

I have seriously mixed fee

When I read the blurb for this book all I could think of were the Underworld movies so I had to give it a try! (plus it was free, and that's always a plus!)

So let me break it down -
>Werewolves vs Vampires in a centuries old feud.
>Werewolves want to kill prophecy(and vampire) Kate Murdock/Katerina Cacciatoni.
>Que werewolf Dominic Ridolfi - Vampire Assassin.
>Dominic meet Kate. And que forbidden werewolf/vampire love.

...Like I said, It's pretty much the plot to Underworld.

I have seriously mixed feelings with this one.
I loved the foundations of the story, I thought the history and the relationships between the characters was interesting and I'm a girl, so I thoroughly enjoyed all of the super romantic-ness between Kate and Dominic.

"I have nothing to offer you. I'm a man without a home and without a family, but I can promise you this," Dominic whispered, branding her soul with the heat of his gaze. "No man could ever love you as I will, with every heartbeat, for all eternity."

Dominic was hands down the most romantic man ever! Seriously, some of the things he said and did for Kate just made me melt. But I couldn't help but feel left wanting when the story was over. And I don't mean I needed answers from book 2- I mean nothing seemed to progress/develop throughout. It was obvious from the beginning how strong their love for one another was, so why fill the middle with vampire training and a heartbroken werewolf when we all know how it's going to pan out. Just make it happen and get to the good stuff already!

There didn't seem to be much reasoning behind the choices the characters were making and more time was spent describing Kate's surroundings rather than her reasoning for her actions and this annoyed my need for answers to no end!
(view spoiler)[ Also, if she loved Dominic as crazy much as she seemed to in the beginning, why was she so fast to believe badly of him? No questions asked? I think I'd take some time to figure out the facts before flying off to Italy with a complete stranger! Just Sayin. (hide spoiler)]

So to summarize...loved the relationship and basis of the story - didn't like the fact that after 364 pages, nothing was resolved and everything was as wide open as it was 50 pages in.

I'll definitely pick up the next one though. I hate not knowing how things end!

Lee Mavin
Jul 25, 2013 rated it it was amazing
The Fall of Darkness is an addictive book that satisfied all of my Vampire/werewolf needs. I was one of those border line readers of the genre, still hurt from that vile Twilight series and almost sworn off anything Vampire related. This book has redeemed my faith in anything Vampirish and even though it deals with a Vampire/werewolf vampire royalty love triangle, (its not TWILIGHT) it does it in such a fresh way and basically destroys any previous attempt i.e Underworld Movies series, in the pr The Fall of Darkness is an addictive book that satisfied all of my Vampire/werewolf needs. I was one of those border line readers of the genre, still hurt from that vile Twilight series and almost sworn off anything Vampire related. This book has redeemed my faith in anything Vampirish and even though it deals with a Vampire/werewolf vampire royalty love triangle, (its not TWILIGHT) it does it in such a fresh way and basically destroys any previous attempt i.e Underworld Movies series, in the process.

The first half is very much a romance and is heavily influenced by the witty feminine narrative, there were times when I laughed, other times when I cringed, as the at times disruptive and gossiping narrative seems to impose her opinions in doses and at other times just echoes what Kate and Dominic feel.

There is a good build up of lusty desire and character development between the future Princess of Vampires and the Prince of the werewolves.
The second half of the book explodes in fantasy and new characters are introduced satisfying the build up of tension. Dominic and Kate are torn apart by the Vampires and Kate is flown off to Italy to delve into the luxurious, yet mischievous world of Vampire royalty. I really liked the way she maintained her innocence, refusing to drink blood from humans, even though there was a Vampire Demon spirit raging within her, begging to kill! (I guess more of that will be in the next book) this part reminded me of Jean Grey and Phoenix in X-men, she is like a good girl battling an extremely powerful and evil girl within!
Dominic gives the story a much needed male voice and he gets what he wants in the end (can't spoil it, but it had me cheering!)
The Fall of Darkness was an excellent start to a series that has it all: fantasy, addictive characters and a new spin on and overused genre.
Go and check this book out, you won't be disappointed!

Zane Yates
I personally don't give out 5 Stars just to be nice, I believe that it lowers the bar when everyone rates every book at 5. This book is an exception, it deserves every star.
I bought this book, based on a lot of chatter on Facebook about it, and the wonderful cover. This is one time I am very glad I took notice of the chatter, and judged a book by its cover. I wasn't disappointed.
Though the star-crossed lover story has been done over once or twice, Elle Bright has written a excellent fresh story,
I personally don't give out 5 Stars just to be nice, I believe that it lowers the bar when everyone rates every book at 5. This book is an exception, it deserves every star.
I bought this book, based on a lot of chatter on Facebook about it, and the wonderful cover. This is one time I am very glad I took notice of the chatter, and judged a book by its cover. I wasn't disappointed.
Though the star-crossed lover story has been done over once or twice, Elle Bright has written a excellent fresh story, that grabs your attention in the first few pages, and holds you to the very end.
Weaving the paranormal world with the normal, we follow Kate the girl next door working her way through life as a nurse, who is thrust into a life she didn't believe existed, filled with Werewolf assassins, Vampire tutors, sex, money and a world ending prophecy.

I highly recommend 'Fall of Darkness' and believe you won't be able to put it down.

I gladly give a rare 5 STARS to Elle Bright's FALL of DARKNESS

Oct 29, 2013 rated it really liked it
Werewolf Dominic Ridolfi has been sent to kill Kate, a woman who unbeknownst to her, is from a long line of vampires. It should have been straight forward, but Dominic finds himself drawn to Kate even though an attraction between the two would be forbidden. When Dominic ends up rescuing Kate, he can't stay away and finds himself falling hard for her and it is mutual.

Everything combusts though when the inevitable happens and Kate turns. Everything Kate thought she knew about Dominic is a lie, or

Werewolf Dominic Ridolfi has been sent to kill Kate, a woman who unbeknownst to her, is from a long line of vampires. It should have been straight forward, but Dominic finds himself drawn to Kate even though an attraction between the two would be forbidden. When Dominic ends up rescuing Kate, he can't stay away and finds himself falling hard for her and it is mutual.

Everything combusts though when the inevitable happens and Kate turns. Everything Kate thought she knew about Dominic is a lie, or is it. Now the vampires have found her and she is learning about her past, but who can she truly trust?

Highly entertaining red. I so wanted Dominic and Kate to defy the rules. Had a few surprising twist, well worth picking up for shifter/vampire fans.

Amy Engberson
Jul 31, 2013 rated it it was amazing
This book is honestly one of the greatest romance novels I have ever read. It sucked me in from the start. I couldn't put it down! I just can't wait for the next one to come out. It ends with you wanting more! I LOVED it!!!! This book is honestly one of the greatest romance novels I have ever read. It sucked me in from the start. I couldn't put it down! I just can't wait for the next one to come out. It ends with you wanting more! I LOVED it!!!! ...more
Ed Dasso
Jul 11, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I wasn't even much of a fan of vampire books until I read, "Fall of Darkness." New author Elle Bright has not only hit a home run but converted me to the genre. Well done! I wasn't even much of a fan of vampire books until I read, "Fall of Darkness." New author Elle Bright has not only hit a home run but converted me to the genre. Well done! ...more
Apr 20, 2018 rated it really liked it
This is a feel-good paranormal romance of star-crossed lovers, staring a werewolf assassin and a vampire princess in a centuries old fued that could rival the Montagues and Capulets. No literary pretentions here, however, just a straight up, old fashioned love story that reads as if you're eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in your favorite relaxed jeans. The insta-Lust turns to insta-Love, the werewolf assassin is incredibly wealthy and swoops up our poor little princess in an almost Ci This is a feel-good paranormal romance of star-crossed lovers, staring a werewolf assassin and a vampire princess in a centuries old fued that could rival the Montagues and Capulets. No literary pretentions here, however, just a straight up, old fashioned love story that reads as if you're eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in your favorite relaxed jeans. The insta-Lust turns to insta-Love, the werewolf assassin is incredibly wealthy and swoops up our poor little princess in an almost Cinderella-like feel. This is fun, slightly campy, and well worth the read. I enjoyed the rather abrupt ending as well. Kudos to the author! ...more
Roxanne Kade
Oct 28, 2013 rated it really liked it
I'm a huge fan of Paranormal Romances, and Werewolves are my ultimate favorite paranormal creature, so when Dominic Ridolfi walked into my life, it was almost the end of me. Damn! He was one fine specimen.

But before my review turns into an ode to Dominic...

This book was exciting. I've read many Paranormal Romances, most of which include Vampires and Werewolves, and I'm always intrigued by how the author will spin the tale of these two creatures. I loved the idea of Kate being human in the beg

I'm a huge fan of Paranormal Romances, and Werewolves are my ultimate favorite paranormal creature, so when Dominic Ridolfi walked into my life, it was almost the end of me. Damn! He was one fine specimen.

But before my review turns into an ode to Dominic...

This book was exciting. I've read many Paranormal Romances, most of which include Vampires and Werewolves, and I'm always intrigued by how the author will spin the tale of these two creatures. I loved the idea of Kate being human in the beginning, not knowing her true identity, and the fact that Dominic was sent to kill her. These two were most definitely the definition of star-crossed lovers. They were the Romeo and Juliet of the Paranormal world and my heart broke a little for them with the knowledge that no matter how much they loved each other, the war between their kinds would in one way or another keep them apart. Or would it? That was the question that really spurred me on as I read this great story.

Dominic was willing to give up so much for Kate, but would she be willing to give him her heart completely? I had so much hope that they'd find each other along the way, but there were so many factors against them. Trust was a big issue, and then there was the obvious hate between their kinds, not to mention golden boy Alex. Kate also had so much to deal with as the life she knew was ripped to shreds. I did feel that she kind of took to her new life too easily. She questioned things but never really fought against them. The only part of her new life she was adamant about wanting nothing to do with was the blood drinking.

This story was an intriguing tale of forbidden love and family loyalty, as Dominic and Kate both struggled with doing what was right; what was expected of them, or following their hearts no matter the cost. It was a great read.

Algel Crestfall
Visit my tour stop at The Literary Panda

When I first signed up for the tour, I chose to post just an excerpt. But then I realized that I should not let the chance pass by to read a book with a plot that interests me a lot. I told myself, "Damn it, Algel! It's a werewolf-vampire kind of romance! You should read it!" And the decision I made didn't make me regret. Fall of Darkness is such a great story to read.

So, what's up with the werewolf-vampire romance?

As far as I know, it's a forbidden kind o

Visit my tour stop at The Literary Panda

When I first signed up for the tour, I chose to post just an excerpt. But then I realized that I should not let the chance pass by to read a book with a plot that interests me a lot. I told myself, "Damn it, Algel! It's a werewolf-vampire kind of romance! You should read it!" And the decision I made didn't make me regret. Fall of Darkness is such a great story to read.

So, what's up with the werewolf-vampire romance?

As far as I know, it's a forbidden kind of love. Werewolves and vampires race were mortal enemies. They're like heaven and hell. Sunshine and rain. Ice and fire. Yin and yang.

Dominic is assigned to kill Katerina, also known as Kate. She's a vampire and destined to end the darkness and race of Dominic's entire werewolf race. But Kate know nothing about this since she's not yet transformed. Dominic could've killed her easily, but ended up falling for her.

This is such a good book. The character build up, the romance, the suspense, the author did a great job. I love Dominic. I fell for him easily. The fact that he's true to his feelings for Kate, he turned his back from his family for her. He's willing to fight for her. There's just a part where I hated Kate. I didn't understand her real intentions when she learned the truth from Dominic, and met her tutore, Alexander. It seemed like she love them both and sworn eternity with the two of them. But later on, that hatred for her changed, but not my hatred for Alex. I used to love the name Alex, but this time, I loathe him. So. Much.

I'm looking forward to what happens next to Dominic and Kate's forbidden love story. This book is excellent. Addictive. You will fall inlove with Dominic every step of the way.

Monica **can't read fast enough**
This is the debut novel by Elle Bright and this paranormal tale is based on the werewolf versus vampire theme. Kate is the key to the fulfillment of a prophecy that she isn't even aware of. Kate has nightmares where she sees a version of herself that is evil and she is being chased by a dark creature that she can't quite make out or recognize. Her parents died in a car accident when she was very young and she was adopted soon after, so Kate has no real sense of her family history, and absolutely This is the debut novel by Elle Bright and this paranormal tale is based on the werewolf versus vampire theme. Kate is the key to the fulfillment of a prophecy that she isn't even aware of. Kate has nightmares where she sees a version of herself that is evil and she is being chased by a dark creature that she can't quite make out or recognize. Her parents died in a car accident when she was very young and she was adopted soon after, so Kate has no real sense of her family history, and absolutely no clue what her true self is and what it means to be a Cacciatori. Dominique is the werewolf who has been tasked to kill Kate and remove the threat the she represents to his kind; however when he sees her in person for the first time he finds that he can't follow through with killing an innocent. There is also the problem of her bringing out a strong desire to protect her and the urge to see her as his "Il cambiamento", his true mate. When Kate is faced with what she is she has real difficulty coming to terms with being a vampire and what that means for her. Alexander and Massimo help her to adjust, but Alex has more than a platonic interest in Kate. There were several instances in this story where I really, really wanted to smack Kate around a bit. I get that she was having difficulty adjusting and accepting the changes that were being forced upon her, but seriously, I just wanted her to get on with it already and suck it up. So I suppose that Elle did her job as writer when you want to pimp slap the heroine! There were some parts of the story that felt as though it didn't flow as well as others, but all in all a good first book.This title is available at Amazon for $2.99 so it's a good price for a full length book. This is the first in a new series and the second book in the series will be titled
Dark Redemption.

Aug 15, 2013 rated it it was ok
I downloaded a sample of Fall of Darkness on a whim and was intrigued. First of all, it was a really long sample. Secondly, it kinda hooked me even though the hero was a werewolf. That is super rare. This girl greatly dislikes werewolf stories but a nurse turning into a vampire with a werewolf hit man? I'll bite...


At $2.99 I decided to continue my read and purchased it... annnnd the first chapter after the sample ended began the dreaded "two characters fall deeply, madly, ridiculously in

I downloaded a sample of Fall of Darkness on a whim and was intrigued. First of all, it was a really long sample. Secondly, it kinda hooked me even though the hero was a werewolf. That is super rare. This girl greatly dislikes werewolf stories but a nurse turning into a vampire with a werewolf hit man? I'll bite...


At $2.99 I decided to continue my read and purchased it... annnnd the first chapter after the sample ended began the dreaded "two characters fall deeply, madly, ridiculously in love despite barely knowing one another" saga.

To be fair, the intense (and silly) lurrrrrve story didn't last the entire book - just the whole middle portion. That's why this review has a second star. Because the author pulled up and things got interesting again, making this book truly "okay."

Things get interesting after the hero and heroine are separated from one another. She starts training and learning how to be a vampire (and using her nursing skills to get blood without having to murder/death/kill for it), and she's introduced to her tutor, Alex, who I am kinda favoring... probably because he's not a werewolf.

But alas, true love must prevail....

I don't see myself continuing with this series, but it's not due to the author's technical abilities. It's just a story I'm not crazy about and a love story I'm not feelin'.

Aug 22, 2013 rated it really liked it
4.5* Kate loves chocolate - well, so do I,specially very dark one, with a slightly bitter edge to it (no white (shudders) or milk chocolate for this girl) and this book is like a fine dark chocolate - irresistible, decadent pure self-indulgence that you can feel right down to your toes. As a debut novel, Ms Bright did an exceptional job in bringing it to life. The story line is engrossing, the characters are appealing, well-defined and multi-layered, the settings are opulent and the romance, lik 4.5* Kate loves chocolate - well, so do I,specially very dark one, with a slightly bitter edge to it (no white (shudders) or milk chocolate for this girl) and this book is like a fine dark chocolate - irresistible, decadent pure self-indulgence that you can feel right down to your toes. As a debut novel, Ms Bright did an exceptional job in bringing it to life. The story line is engrossing, the characters are appealing, well-defined and multi-layered, the settings are opulent and the romance, like my favorite chocolate, is sweet with a slightly bitter edge. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would love to find out what the future holds for Kate and Domenic, so the next book is already on my "To read" list. The loss of half star is because I did find some area a bit over sentimental and sliding slightly from " sweet" to "sugary" , but bar that, Fall of Darkness was sinfully delicious. ...more
Brandy Nacole
Oct 01, 2013 rated it it was amazing
An amazing debut novel!

Dominic is a werewolf and has just been assigned to go get rid of the doom of his race, Kate. Kate is a vampire and her fate is believed to be the end of Dominic's race, although she is oblivious to all of this. But when Dominic meets Kate, he pauses, not expecting the compassion beauty he finds, even though his race is depending on him.

Elle Bright has laid out a great foundation for the start of this promising series. The flow and connection with the characters was per

An amazing debut novel!

Dominic is a werewolf and has just been assigned to go get rid of the doom of his race, Kate. Kate is a vampire and her fate is believed to be the end of Dominic's race, although she is oblivious to all of this. But when Dominic meets Kate, he pauses, not expecting the compassion beauty he finds, even though his race is depending on him.

Elle Bright has laid out a great foundation for the start of this promising series. The flow and connection with the characters was perfect. I am eagerly waiting for the second book in this series. 

Mar 12, 2014 rated it did not like it
Not what I was expecting, and not in a good way.

So DNF the book. I always try to finish my books especially when I've spent almost $4 on one.

Let me explain why, so please look away now because it will CONTAIN SPOILERS.

First off he watches her being molested then beaten within an inch of her life. Then when she finally is beaten unconscious he decides finally to intervene. WHAT THE FREAK!

Then they fall in love. Uh yeah I don't think so.

Not what I was expecting, and not in a good way.

So DNF the book. I always try to finish my books especially when I've spent almost $4 on one.

Let me explain why, so please look away now because it will CONTAIN SPOILERS.

First off he watches her being molested then beaten within an inch of her life. Then when she finally is beaten unconscious he decides finally to intervene. WHAT THE FREAK!

Then they fall in love. Uh yeah I don't think so.

Raina {The LUV'NV}
Jul 14, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I read this book from 'cover to cover' in one sitting. I couldn't put it down! Definitely a must read! I read this book from 'cover to cover' in one sitting. I couldn't put it down! Definitely a must read! ...more
Lori Palle
Nov 09, 2013 rated it it was amazing
"How could he possibly protect the one he must destroy?"–Dom's thoughts

After getting assaulted, Kate's luck turns around as she's rescued by gorgeous Dominic Ridolfi and swept away in an epic romance. Unfortunately, her fairy tale doesn't end with a happily ever after, and instead morphs into a tale of vampires, werewolves, and a prophesy where she's the star attraction. Dominic promises to stay by her side forever despite the fact that as a vampire and werewolf, they were born to be enemies. Th

"How could he possibly protect the one he must destroy?"–Dom's thoughts

After getting assaulted, Kate's luck turns around as she's rescued by gorgeous Dominic Ridolfi and swept away in an epic romance. Unfortunately, her fairy tale doesn't end with a happily ever after, and instead morphs into a tale of vampires, werewolves, and a prophesy where she's the star attraction. Dominic promises to stay by her side forever despite the fact that as a vampire and werewolf, they were born to be enemies. The vampires aren't going to let their princess go that easily. The werewolves aren't going to let her live…

"If he was a drug, she was definitely an addict. She'd never get enough of him."–Kate's thoughts

I loved this book and was drawn into the author's world with the great storytelling and descriptive imagery. The book can almost be split into two smaller books–the first being a beautiful romance between two people and the other an urban fantasy where Kate must learn how to fight and accept her role as not only a newly turned vampire but also a princess.

The first half focuses on Kate as a human as she falls in love with Dominic, who has been sent to kill her before she turns. Instead of an assassination and very short book, we get two souls falling in love so sweetly as Dom shows Kate the time of her life, ready to give up everything for her. It almost reads as a contemporary romance with a billionaire hero and sweet heroine aside from the undertones that something is off with Kate as she unknowingly transitions into a vampire. The romance is fantastic, and I would call it medium heat level since there is sexual tension and a sex scene without gratuitous description.

The second half continues with Kate as a vampire and has more of an urban fantasy feel with romantic elements. Not to spoil too much, but Kate gets placed in a love triangle as she tries to navigate the vampiric world. Although a different feel than the first half, it's fantastic on its own and really brings out the paranormal elements. We also get the mythology behind the two immortal races and prophecy, which was in-depth and thought out.

"Maybe there was no black or white, but varying shades of gray."–Kate's thoughts

The characters in the story are great. Kate is a lovely heroine, and I couldn't help but root for her throughout particularly since she's so gentle and willing to try hard to not act like a typical vampire. Dom is so romantic that it's hard to imagine him as a merciless assassin. The banter between Kate and her friends are fun and believable while the banter between the immortals is cold and shows the harsh world they live in. With these characters, it's difficult to say who is good as bad since they're all trying to survive with how they were raised to survive.

While much of the book was spent showing Kate and Dom's love developing and then the implications of it, the ending was quick and leads to many unanswered questions. I hesitate to say you could read this as standalone since the future is still murky despite the resolution. Personally, I'm looking forward to the next volume in this series! Overall, if you enjoy paranormal romance, vampires, and werewolves, make sure you pick this one up! This is a 5 out of 5 for me!

(Originally posted on my blog; I obtained a copy of this book during an freebie promo at the author's recommendation (for an unbiased and honest review)).

The Book and The Harlot's Blog
Elle did a fantastic job on her debut novel. There was just one part in the book that ruined my initial five star rating. I'm not specifically naming the scene just because I want to attempt to avoid spoilers in case someone hasn't read it. But, the part in question, I viewed as being a turning point for Dominic and Kate's relationship; whether it would be strictly platonic or full on romantic. That part is one of several critical points in the book, and it let me down. Not because it was poorly Elle did a fantastic job on her debut novel. There was just one part in the book that ruined my initial five star rating. I'm not specifically naming the scene just because I want to attempt to avoid spoilers in case someone hasn't read it. But, the part in question, I viewed as being a turning point for Dominic and Kate's relationship; whether it would be strictly platonic or full on romantic. That part is one of several critical points in the book, and it let me down. Not because it was poorly written or any other reason some dislike a whole novel (I loved this one) the scene just moved way too fast for me.
It went from zero to sixty in a page. The meeting of the characters, however planned it was, is crucial in their development. So, I would've loved more depth and more finesse with it. Dominic and Kate have so many layers readers can peel them away as they read, even cry a little. That experience wasn't made to rush.
Now to get into what I loved about the book, beginning with Dominic. He is a hot, sexy, deadly Italian alpha-male with a romantic side. Did I mention he's also a werewolf and an assassin? Ladies, you can now melt into an erogenous puddle. Then there's Kate, an ER nurse, vegetarian, volunteer and she's both a lover and a fighter. What more could you want in a heroine? She's also a future Vampire Princess and the key to two races survival.
This book was suspenseful, romantic, infuriating and just an all-around awesome novel. It had so many ways each scenario could've gone, while you're rooting for one, something comes along and you'll be rooting for the other. I however, am in full Dominic bandwagon. A hot sexy Italian wolf, who's also an assassin and a romantic? You better believe I'm hopping on that! Kate is an amazing woman, she's a vegetarian Vampire, who will fight when she needs to but also knows when to love and back down. Like many of us, each of them have their demons they have to work through. For Kate though, she's just not sure exactly what those are. All of these aspects Elle gathered magnificently together. Each coiled you tighter and tighter until you were ready to yell with frustration!
Dominic and Kate are sworn enemies, even if she doesn't know it yet. Wolves and Vampires don't mix and Dom has a job to do. But, will this be the one he won't complete? Check out "Fall of Darkness" to find out!
Aug 08, 2013 rated it really liked it
I'm a serious..SERIOUS sucker for paranormal romances, especially vampire/werewolf romances. Fall of Darkness was a fantastic paranormal romance. I LOVED the connection the Dominic and Kate had throughout the entire story. I was so mad at Dominic for awhile for not sharing the truth with Kate sooner. But really..who could blame him?! I'd want to get my hooks in real deep before I gave the blow that he had to give.

Kate is an amazing young woman who loves her family, friends, and her job as a nur

I'm a serious..SERIOUS sucker for paranormal romances, especially vampire/werewolf romances. Fall of Darkness was a fantastic paranormal romance. I LOVED the connection the Dominic and Kate had throughout the entire story. I was so mad at Dominic for awhile for not sharing the truth with Kate sooner. But really..who could blame him?! I'd want to get my hooks in real deep before I gave the blow that he had to give.

Kate is an amazing young woman who loves her family, friends, and her job as a nurse. She absolutely no idea that her birth parents were vampires and that she is EXTREMELY important to the world of vampires and werewolves. Kate has been having dreams but has no idea that they are telling her the future that comes but Dominic knows everything and he is keeping this secret from Kate. As Kate is slowly turning into a vampire, Dominic is struggling with committing the biggest betrayal against with werewolf family; falling for the vampire princess who he was sent to kill.

I really did love Dominic and Kate, they had such an amazing connection and Dominic treated her with such care and wanted all of her dreams to come true and worked hard to make the happen. As Kate finds out the truth and is thrust into life with her true family I found myself wavering on who I wanted Kate or as her true self, Katerina, to end up with someone else..GASP!! I know, I really struggled and felt like I was cheating on Dominic.

This is seriously a great paranormal romance read. I did find myself struggling with the changing wasn't that I didn't like getting both of their views..I actually really LOVED it. For awhile, I had a hard time following the transition of who's POV the story was being told from. At times, it would take a few paragraphs for me to realize who it was. This story brought a lot of aspects from all the other vampire romances I've read into one story.

I can't wait for the second story in the series!!

✨✨ Claire✨✨
Oct 31, 2013 rated it really liked it
This was definitely a book RIGHT UP MY STREET!
Good storyline, sexy vamps, sexy weres....what more could a paranormal lover want!!

Dont want to give the whole storyline away so will try to make you want to read it without telling you too much!

Like alot of para books, weres and vamps are arch enemies. no difference here.
The only difference is that our main character Kate is neither...yet...
As an assassin for his pack, Domonic is sent to literally find Kate and shoot and kill he before she can turn.

This was definitely a book RIGHT UP MY STREET!
Good storyline, sexy vamps, sexy weres....what more could a paranormal lover want!!

Dont want to give the whole storyline away so will try to make you want to read it without telling you too much!

Like alot of para books, weres and vamps are arch enemies. no difference here.
The only difference is that our main character Kate is neither...yet...
As an assassin for his pack, Domonic is sent to literally find Kate and shoot and kill he before she can turn....
...bit of a problem there. He likes what he sees, and although he tries to make excuses as to why he cant pull that blasted trigger and finish the job...its obvious as to why.
Kate is a normal human to us. Oblivious to what lies in store for her when she turns 25, Kate, loves life, loves her work as a nurse, does charity work, has a great friend - is a generous, loving and innocent human.

But come 25. all that will change.

The vamps dont know that the weres are aware of Kate - well more aware, are tracking her every move, and in Dominic's case, dating her every night he can! So most of the book goes without Vamps even being involved.

Dominic has fallen totally for kate, despite what will be, he proposes to her (and keeping in mind here that kate has no idea hes a were). Madly in love she happily accepts.

Then the story turns. Dominic tells Kate everything.
She doesnt believe him until around her birthday she is whisked away by the Vamps and headed for the "father land" of Italy.

Dominic is distraught, his father and family are disgusted with him. Kate is faring much better...

Ok, leave it there. I really did enjoy reading this, and i do say, i will DEFINITELY be picking up the second in the series when it comes out!

read and reviewed on behalf of Grapevine Book Tours


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